Middlebury College '12

Middlebury College '12
Vincent on Grass at California Home

Friday 22 June 2007

The Eighth Day of Pleasure

Today I got up at 8:55 so that I would be able to leave my house at 9:30 to make it to Sergio's Coffee Shop for breakfast at 10:00 with Michael on foot. When I get up, I call Mike to make surehe is awake and to see if he would come to my house first before we started walking but there was no reply. I sent him a text message and got ready. I left my house and proceeded to Michael's house, arriving at 9:35. Michael's mom was outside and I asked where Mike was. She said that he was stikll "toes up" in bed. We went to his room., To be continued. its now 5:27 and we are going out to dinner.

Thursday 21 June 2007

Late Start, Late Finish

Today I got up at 9:50 without the use of an alarm clock amazingly, and was able to be out the house and at the barber shop for my 10:30 appointment. When I arrived at the barber shop, my barber as usual was not ready to receive me and was on a personal phone call at the front desk. He made me feel a little sorry for making such a great effort to be on time. He did a good job at cutting my hair though. I went back home only to realize that one sideburnswas significantly shorter than the other. I will have that fixed in the morning I assume.

I came home and called Kendall's mom and chatted about my vocal lesson session the day before. She gave me some tips on the letter I am writting to get sponsored for a year by some company.

We planned to go grocery shopping today and we eventually did. My grandmother usually takes her time getting ready. She is retired and shouldn't have to rush for anything anymore I guess. We left the house at 3:20 PM and we were both very hungry so we went to IHOP. I ordered a chicken fajita omelet with country corn cakes and she ordered a hamburger and fries. I also ordered a custom made cherry banana milkshake. It was good at first but got old quickly. Because it was not made with ice-cream, it was room temperature.

We then went to Safeway and shopped until 5:15 PM. After shopping we went and looked at a house for sale by the lake. It was quite dainty. I really liked it. I hope we move into it soon. I came home and unpacked the food.

Becaue I left the sheet music that I need to continue perfecting my song at Ruthanne's house (the vocal coach) she sent it to me by Kendall who had to be in the theater at school in the evening (as usual). I rode there with Mike to his High School Musical rehearsal for 6:30 where I met up with Kendall and collected the music. While Mike rehearsed, I outlined and started my letter requesting the 6000 dollars I need for vocal training for a year. I really hope my request is granted. That would be grand!

When Mike was done he wanted to stay until Kendall was done with her rehearsal for A Chorus Line. I tried to persuade him to have us go home at 8:30 but he was determined to stay. I said that we could bake cookies at his house if we went home then but he said that he did not want cookies. So I did not want to leave him there and be home all by myself so I gave into Michael and stayed. 

We went to the green room in the theater and socialized there with Austin, Emmanuel, and IJay. I was happy to see Eman and IJay and aspire to see them the next day on their opening night for Chorus Line. I worked on my letter a little more and then exchanged music wirelessly with Mike through an adhoc network we made. I then closed my computer and relaxed with Eman and Ijay. I was glad I stayed. Kendal's mom dropped us off. We plan to go out to breakfast tomorrow at Sergio's.

At home we looked at the house some more on the internet. I also found out who my roomate probably is for the summer at Berkeley. I am a little angry tonight. It's not because of my roomate though. I am rarely angry and dont like it. I think that once i take a shower I will feel better.

Wednesday 20 June 2007

First Day of Vocal Training

Today I got up at 8:30 AM and immediately called Michael as I had promised the night before to make sure that he was awake so that we could be ready for 9:30 when Kendall and her mom came to pick us up for my first day of vocal training with Kendall in Dublin. After some confusion over a situation that arose the night before Michael did not want to be late for the pick-up and came to my house at about ten minutes after nine. We went out to the front yard and we sat on the bricks in the courtyard where I gave Michael lessons on how to smile. Some people call me the smiling expert. I showed him the quarter, half, and full smile and how he could use his eyes to enhance his smile.

Kendall's mom dropped us off at the Fremont BART station and Michael showed us entertaining pictures and videos on his Macbook along the way. Vocal Coach Ruth Anne picked us up from the Dublin/Pleasanton station and we got to her house at 11:00 AM. While Kendall had her hour and a half long session, Michael and I went to get something to eat. We were going to go to this really good-looking waffle restaurant for breakfast but we needed to get Kendall something to eat and we would not have had enough to do so if we went to the waffle place. As a result, Michael dragged me to Burger King. I really do not like to eat at fast food restaurants. I ordered some chicken-fries and we got Kendall some chicken nugget looking things with some french fries. I told Michael that we should eat there because of the fact that I did not want to walk down the street with a shameful bag of fast food in my hand. He wanted to eat at Ruth Anne's house so that we could watch Kendall's session or maybe eat at the pool. We made sort of a compromise. I agreed to eat at the house if Michael agreed to hold both the Burger King bags for the 2 and a half block walk back to the house. He agreed but I ended up holding my little bag because I felt sorry for him.

We dropped the food off in the house and went out to the swimming pool where we ate at table. Michael did not bring any of his swim clothes but dunked his feet in whatever water I was in be it the pool or the hot tub. We had some interesting conversations and I enjoyed singing in the bathroom and the pool shower.

My session was pretty intense. We warmed up for quite some time and I learned some breathing techniques and worked on seamlessly transitioning from head to chest voice. For the second half of the session, we tried to find music for me to perform in her winter concert and to audition for this opera program with. We found out that Care Selve was not the best song for my voice but we fell in love with a song by Handel called total eclipse. I am a counter tenor meaning that I can easily sing in the first soprano range. It was lots of fun.

Michael was picked up from Ruth Anne's house by a friend who needed to practice with him for their Alameda county fairer performance. When I was done, Ruth Anne dropped Kendall and I off at the BART station again and we rode home. 

When I got home I ate chicken and rice and passed out on the bed. I woke up at around 8:00 and watered the lawn. I called my cousin Samuel at around 9:10 and it is now 9:50. I am going to shower and work on my AP Government summer assignment. Until next time.

Tuesday 19 June 2007

First Monday of Summer

Today I rose at about 1o:00 AM and I fixed my bed. My father was coming out on a "surprise" visit so I made sure to put on something more decent than my usual kick around the house clothes. I ate leftover barbecue ribs, potato salad, and baked beans that my cousin Gladys had purchased for us the day before. The ribs were okay and the potato salad was conventional. I looked around to see if anything needed cleaning and did not spot anything. I then called Michael at around 11:30 and told him to come over because I had a present for him.

Michael being who he is did not wish to leave his household and venture the short distance to my household in the 75 degree "heat". He wasn't really motivated because whenever I tell him that I have a present for him it is usually something of his that I have borrowed for so long that he forgot that I had. He eventually made his way over and to his surprise I presented him with a cellular phone headset because I have an excess of them. He seemed content and he made desktop background with adobe for me. Here is what it looks like.

We sat in the backyard at the patio table in the shade as we were gently misted by tiny water particles from the sprinklers carried over to us by the wind. Michael told me that he needed to clean his screen and showed me the countless fingerprints on his screen.I gave him all the necessary materials for cleaning and when he was done, I presented him with the t-shirt that I was wearing so that he could dry it. All of a sudden, he "had to go"

My paternal grandmother and my father arrived shortly thereafter. I took picture after picture of him and then when he went upstairs I directed the camera towards myself and took about 10 pictures of myself. He was on a tight schedule and was just passing through and had to leave after 15 minutes or so. He reassured me that I would see him again soon. I told my paternal grandmother that I would see her later on today and she recommended that I ride with them at that moment to prevent her from having to backtrack. I gathered my computer and my iPod and hopped in the back of her little two-seater sports vehicle.
We traveled over the Dumbartain Bridge and paid a ridiculous toll of four dollars just to see my sister. Our reunion was grand. She was braiding the hair of her friend in her room. I knocked and entered without her responding. I then proceeded to place my iPod on her dock and play "Life is a Highway" from the movie Cars. I introduced myself to her friend and petted her little black dog.

We did not stay long and after about 20 minutes we were on our way. We went back over the bridge to Fremont where my father went to the dollar store and I went to Radio Shack to pick up a USB cable for my grandmother's printer. I left feeling overcharged and taken advantaged of only to go back and return the 24 dollar 3 foot cable to search for a cheaper one. My father who enjoys fast food drove us to Taco Bell and told me to come in with him. Grandmother went and parked the car in the shade and let the top down. Because he insisted that I buy something, I ordered one Taquito with guacamole. It wasn't that bad- after not having Taco Bell for 7 months. We had a short-lived conversation.

When we got back to the car, the time had come for us to take him to his final destination where he would depart from us for another short while. We nearly got lost driving to Sunol where the trans-continental delivery truck that he was riding in was waiting. When we got up there we had to ask for directions twice and before finally getting to where we needed to be, ended up in a "Rock Factory." I never thought that people would manufacture rocks. When we got to his destination, he showed me the truck that he was riding in. The interior was tiny and cramped and contained a two-person bunk bed. I was not thrilled and wanted to leave quickly. I acted interested and wished him a safe trip back. 

I went back to the car where my grandmother was recovering from her tensions that resulted from feeling lost. We then proceeded to my Uncle's home where I have been ever since. My uncle was having some meeting at his house so I had to help prepare. My grandmother made snacks and fed me dinner. Although I had the option of sitting into his meeting, it seemed boring and I dececided to go into my grandmother's room and talk to her while eating my vanilla ice cream and installing a web-cam on my laptop. We engaged in conversation for three in a half hours. I ended up spending the night at my Uncles house and it is now 2:15 AM. I could not bear another day without updating my blog. Pictures soon to come.

Sunday 17 June 2007

The First Sunday of Summer Vacatoin

After such an eventful day yesterday, I got up at around 11:00 AM. I fixed the bed and cleaned my room for about an hour. I went downstairs and greeted those dwelling in my household. Michael called me and told me to come over and help him with an adobe photoshop project. I told him that I wanted to eat breakfast first and he told me that he had eggs at his house. I responded saying that I would bring over shreded cheese to cook an omlette with at his house. When I arrived he already had this cheesy egg contraption witing for me and I devoured it. We spent about 45 minutes on his poject and then we exchanged music for about 3 hours using a flashdrive. 
It is now 3:25 and I m still at Michael's house. I am waiting for my uncle to come and get me so that we can go out to lunch. I am sure that he has more in store for me.

Saturday 16 June 2007

Celebrations Galore

Today was characterized by me attending a total of three celebrations. Unlike yesterday, Michael and I found the motivation to get up and go to school at 6:30 AM to assist with the graduation ceremony for the class of 2007! Upon arrival at the school, we went into the commons (the new cafeteria) and assisted the professional balloon guy in the construction of a 500 balloon balloon arc! 

When we transported the arc to the field, at the spur of the moment, the activities director asked if I would help the assistant principal in the distribution of diplomas by standing on stage in the center of the action. Of course I said yes but there was one problem- I felt that I was not properly dressed. The activities director said that she chose me because I was the best dressed volunteer of the morning (and the ASB VP I assume) and that she also added that there was no need to change my clothes. When I was on the field 40 minutes before the graduation commenced, I called Michael in the stands and asked him whether I should go home or not and change and he said that it was what he would do in the situation. I called home and with twenty minutes before the ceremony began, my ride picked me up and we went home. I changed clothes with record speed and arrived back at the school at 8:55 right when then seniors were walking onto the field.

A lot of funny things happened during the ceremony, but the most memorable thing was the principals acceptance of the senior gift. He mechanically read the 3 sentence acceptance response from a sheet on the podium like an actor that is going over lines for the first time. The person to the left of me jokingly said "I'm sure he had been practicing that all night"
During name-calling part, I smiled gleefully for an entire hour as I jubilantly handed over 400 diplomas to the superintendent and other big wigs. I was happy that the graduation only lasted one hour and ten minutes ending at 10:15 or so.

Afterwards, I proceeded to one of my greatest friend's Bianca's house to prepare for her graduation ceremony. I rode there in her family vehicle. For some reason I got mixed up and thought that her party was right after the ceremony when it was actually at 3:00 PM. I helped set up for the party and in the process of picking up all the delicious food from Hawaiian BBQ I treated her to Jamba Juice and we went to DSW and Circuit City.

At Bianca's house I ate two big helpings of food and took two naps: one on the couch prior to the celebration and the other outside on a lawn chair in front of a pool. We used Comcast On Demand to do Karaoke but the selection was not that good. 

At around 6:30 PM I was picked up and taken home where I changed into my Jeans and button up shirt that I had on originally this morning and I walked three doors down to Michael's house where we proceeded to our friend's Kendall's house for her 17th birthday party. 

As I expected, there were not very many people there and they were mostly all except one from the choral or drama program. This picture is of Michael, Kendall, Myself and her little brother Austin It is now 8:36 and we are in her living room watching her open presents! She sure is getting a lot of underwear and smelly stuff people here are calling perfume!  Michael and I gave her a picture and a gift card to Starbucks! This is my kind of party-not to wild yet not baring. Wow, she just came around the present circle and gave us all a hug. How grand.

It is 9:12 and we are all outside in Kendal's backyard. I wish that I had brought a jacket. I didn't think that we would be outside all night and I was not informed. I hope that we decide to move indoors soon. People just concluded a game of twister on the grass. I did not play because there was not enough room and I did not want to get dirty on the grass. Oh goody I am now going to play taboo on the ground with Michael and little Austin. The movie RENT is being projected u-upon the fence.

Friday 15 June 2007

The Day After The Last Day of School

Its 12:00 and I just got up a second time. I got up at 5:45 to help set up for graduation but then when Michael told me that he was not going with me I decided to go back to sleep. Now I am going to school to talk to my English and Spanish teachers about what grades they are giving me and to make a small delivery for Michael. I also have to say bye to Mister Paula! I am going to miss him. 

Mister Paula is one of the greatest teachers one can have and I am glad to had the privileged to be in his class. He is so dedicated. Certain as the sun rising in the east everyday, every morning, Mister Paula is at school at 7:15 AM to assist his students and for an additional hour after school. Furthermore, he oversaw the math lab at Ohlone Community College and invited his students to come there with him for additional assistance on Friday evenings for up to 6 hours! Mister Paula was only absent once this year (which is rare) and is always accessible by e-mail and he responds quickly. He is very good at picture taking and his room is filled with countless images of school events that he has photographed with his professional camera along with pictures of people he catches sleeping in his class. Mister Paula is the best!

It is 2:30 and I am just getting back from school. I got the exact same GPA that I did last semester. O my way home from school I went to my favorite Mexican food restaurant called Taquerilla Nuevo Vallarta and had a Vegetarian Burrito with chips and salsa. Thereafter on my bike and I proceeded to this place called "Deserts" that Michael and I discovered yesterday while searching for an Asian restaurant to eat at. They had an extensive menu of mostly healthy deserts. I purchased watermelon juice and it was very tasty. It was $4.30 though. That's pretty expensive in my opinion especially for only 12 oz. I could get much more at Jamba Juice or some other place like that. It seemed to be a family owned business though and the service was great. I think I will be going back, just not very often.  My drink was almost as much as my lunch.

I came home and gave half of the juice to my grandmother who really enjoyed it. I plan to go to the store and buy my own watermelon and put it in the blender. That's all the guy at the Desert place did anyway. I can make watermelon juice for my whole family for the price that I paid.
I just responded to my electronic mail messages and I may be going to get some toiletries with my mother in a few moments. 

It is 10:38 PM and I got home from shopping with my mother around 8:00. It took 3.5 hours to get the few things we needed primarily because my mom kept looking at things of interest to her at The Dollar Store and at Target. At the dollar store I saw a lady with the most bizzare hair style. It was sort of like a Mohawk that came down in the style of two big braids on the left and right sides in the rear. She power walked through the store talking loudly on her cell phone. Target was pleasant because I saw about 13 people that I knew.

At 10:00 I swept the floor, helped clean the kitchen, and ate two serving of speghetti and watermelon.

My cousin is comming home from college tonight but no one knows what time is comming. At least I don't. I am very excited and am eagerly anticipating her arrival. I think that her friend may be bringing her here. No one else seems very excited though.

By the way. I found 2 watermelons in the garage and you can believe that I will be making my own watermelon juice tomorrow morning!

Thursday 14 June 2007

Journal Entry One: Last Day of School

This blog is just for me and is to serve as a journal type of thing to keep me motivated over the summer and during my last year of high school. I plan to map out the school year by number of weeks in an attempt to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will try to come up with a beta blog self-support system over the summer that I will implement during the school year.

This was the last day of my Junior year and now summer is upon me and with summer comes my packets for my 4 AP classes. I know i can make it through. I think i am going to try to be in the bed by 10:30 every night like Janil Tan did. That's a lot to try and do but i will manage. Another goal is to try and complete a scholarship essay (or two) every week.

Today I went to Cousin Cafe in Cedar Village with Michael after-school. I had curry chicken and he had chicken fried rice. The food was really good and reasonably priced. I don't understand why he insisted on having a banana split! After that I went to Michael's house and took a nap and ate 3 hamburgers and some sweet-tea that Ms. Hatridge told the class about. It was about 80 degrees today! That's pretty hot for Newark.

I have to water the lawn. I am feeling kind of board because I have no assignments due tomorrow. I think i am going to start my AP Stat assignment today. It looks pretty easy so far. I wish that they would have issued out books to us instead of wasting paper making photocopies.

My cousin Alessandra is comming home from college tomorrow evening and I am very excited to see her again. I am happy that she graduated from Spelman College and hope that she does well in grad school. That wold be nice. 

I am so happy that I am the ASB Vice President. It means so much to me. Today I found out that I do not have to have eight classes so next year I will have seven and hope that I will not have a first period so that I can sleep in on Wednesday's and go to school for 10:00! That would be grand! I officially dropped choir from my schedule next year. I will not feel comfortable in any other choir knowing what its like to be in Chords. I am glad that I was able to experience both a touring and non-tourning year and was able to serve on the choir board. I am also happy to be the President of the Black Student Union. How wonderful. I hope I have a good group this upcoming year. People were a little flaky this past year. I love running unopposed.

I got the idea for this personal online journal from Michael Landredth who has one of his own. I never had a journal before and this is really neat because i can access it anywhere in the world.